Little fingers and curious minds will be in awe of the ZooBooKoo educational numbers fold-out cube as they follow the arrows, turning the cube in all directions. With each turn, youngsters will reveal different numbers from 1 to 12 along with an illustration of an animal. The amount of animals shown on that page will correspond to the number; for example, on the number 'Five' there will be 5 Parrots - making learning to count fun! The fun does not end there as children will also be tasked with finding the 'Odd One Out' on each page. With a tactile and fun design children of all ages will be intrigued and ready to learn! ZooBooKoo educational fold-out cubes have been created to give bitesize chunks of information to help recall and avoid overloading. The tactile cube format will intrigue all ages as they turn it inside out and the information just keeps flowing. Just like a good book - you cannot put them down! Great for use in the classroom, at home or on the move - infectious fun learning all the time. Conforms to current European safety standards. Age 3+ years. Height: 60mm, Width: 60mm, Depth: 60mm.
Warning: Not suitable for children under 3 years old.